Measure Program experts can evaluate and strengthen health data systems, build human and institutional capacity, and manage complex projects across the globe. Country governments and agencies can call on our skills for disease surveillance, data generation, data analysis and use, curriculum development, complex quantitative and qualitative evaluation, spatial data analysis, health informatics, and more.
The Measure Program is housed at the Carolina Population Center (CPC) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). Many of our staff are faculty in UNC’s Gillings School of Global Public Health. We draw upon the university’s resources, such as data science, implementation science, and information sciences.
Unlike most universities, UNC has managed large awards from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Since 1996, we were the prime organization for a consortium implementing the MEASURE Evaluation project, and before that, the Evaluation project. In its final phase, the five-year ceiling for MEASURE Evaluation was $232 million.
To manage large projects successfully, UNC developed systems that provide stability and agility. Our customized management information system enables us to track complex project structures with granular reporting on donor investment across multiple countries, offices, congressional initiatives, objectives, and scopes of work. Especially for USAID, we excel at rapid start-up, compliance, managing cross-bureau funding streams, plus return on investment.
Today, the Measure Program brings together these large projects:
- The Global Health Program Evaluation, Analysis, Research, and Learning (GH PEARL) project ($90 million over five years)
- Data for Impact (D4I)―supporting countries to develop evidence to improve programs and policies ($60 million over 6.5 years)
- The TB Data, Impact Assessment and Communications Hub (TB DIAH) project ($36 million over five years)
- PMI Measure Malaria ($36 million over five years)
- The Family Planning Country Action Process Evaluation (FP CAPE) ($5.8M over five years)
- Full Access, Full Choice Project: Expanded Method Choice for Adolescents and Youth ($4M over four years)
- Data for Accountability, Transparency and Impact Monitoring (DATIM) Support and Maturity Models
- Global Informatics Collaborative-Technical Assistance Platform (Renewed annually over five years)
The Measure Program at UNC draws upon vast university capabilities and services